- c. 2017 BC
- Coastal Miwok Shell mounds have been found near Stinson Beach. Lone Tree Trail (now known as Dipsea Trail) was used by Miwoks.
- 1836
- The Mexican grant Rancho Las Baulinas to Rafael Garcia with farming and logging on east shore of lagoon-only access is by sea or horseback to San Rafael Mission.
- 1846
- Land grant is deeded to Garcia's brother-in-law, Gregorio Briones. (Note: some people think the actual beach area of Stinson is in the Saucelito Rancho deeded to Captain William Richardson in 1838.)
- 1852
- Capt. Isaac Morgan buys land from Gregorio Briones grows prize winning apples on his Belvidere Ranch (his spelling) which was on the whole east side of Bolinas Lagoon. Capt. Alfred Easkoot is hired by Morgan to help on ranch. Johnsons Boatworks (Later becomes McKennan's Landing.) is built on land leased from Isaac Morgan who hires Thomas and William Johnson to run a boatyard. They build a fleet of schooners known as the Splinter Fleet.
- 1870
- Dirt county road from Sausalito is built (becomes Hwy.1) This is known as the "outside road" by locals. (Capt. Morgan led the delegation to the county to request the building of the road.) Nathan Stinson and James Wallace Upton buy out Morgan's 1,720 acres including sand spit.
- ca. 1870
- White Gate Ranch is built. From 1870-90 Marin dairies were considered the best in the state.
- 1871
- Easkoot's Beach is established by Capt. Alfred Easkoot who bought acreage from Morgan, and by 1879 has 20 family tents.
- 1873
- James Upton dies. Nathan Stinson marries his widow, Rose, and becomes stepfather of Archie and Ida.
- 1880-85 Nathan and Rose Stinson set up resort in competition with Easkoot. "Most people called it Willow Camp." It has a newspaper, Willow Whistle, and dance floor.
- 1883
- Easkoot builds house.
- 1885
- Amos and Margaret Stinson leave Marin to educate daughters, Maude, Lillian and Eve.
- 1886
- Nathan Stinson leases Stinson Ranch to Patrick Flannery and later to Manuel Fontes then Antonio & Manuel Nunes. (dairy ranch)
- 1887
- Tent Hotel at Willow Camp is run by W. Brown & Jukes
- 1893
- Artists, Thaddeus and Ludmilla Welch, move to Steep Ravine and live there 5 years.
- 1896
- Mill Valley and Mt. Tamalpais Scenic R. R. begins operation. Willow Camp can now be reached by taking train to West Point and hiking to the beach.
- 1902
- Plans for R. R. from West Point to the ocean begin. William Kent donates right of way from land he has purchased which includes Steep Ravine down to WIllow Camp. Old Stage Road from West Point R. R. terminal to Willow Camp is built on projected R. R. grade. (A 4-6 horse stage owned by Mr. Nunes leaves West Point in a.m. and returns in p.m. Stops at made at Willow Camp and McKennan's Landing to catch launch to Bolinas.)
- 1904
- Dipsea Inn is built on the sand spit by William Neumann on land purchased from William Kent who probably underwrote it. Newmann buys out Brown's canvas hotel down on beach.
- 1905
- First Dipsea Race is run with 90 finishers. It is instituted by a group of hikers called the Dipsea Indians from the SF Olympic Club. This is America's second oldest foot race.
- 1905
- Archie Upton moves to Willow Camp and opens Camp Upton with 3 dozen platformed tents. (innovations--has ownwater system and telephone)
- 1906
- Archie Upton files map for Stinson Subdivision No. 1-includes Old Town on hillside of main street. (March 24)
- 1906
- Earthquake--(April 18)
- 1906
- R. L. (Jack) & Sarah Airey and Henry & Elizabeth Airey move to Willow Camp (after losing iron foundry in San Francisco earthquake). Henry (Harry) &Elizabeth Airey open hotel and restaurant. (Jack helps to build)
- 1910
- Nathan Stinson dies and leaves 1/2 land to brother, Amos, 1/4 to Archie Upton and 1/4 to Ida Upton. (includes Camp Upton & 2 subdivisions)
- 1911
- Eve Stinson and Newman Fitzhenry return to SB to take care of Eve's parents and holdings--foreclose on Archie Upton's Willow Camp, buy out Ida, and purchase Easkoot Mansion. (Margaret dies l920/Amos 1922)
- 1913
- Jack and Sarah Airey open Sea Beach Hotel with 20 rooms (Henry helps to build)
- 1913
- Archie Upton files for Charles Robinson Tract (58 acres s. of causeway-in the Calles).
- 1916
- Elsie Louise DeCamp becomes first postmaster. (April 1) Willow Camp officially becomes Stinson Beach.
- 1917
- Stinson Beach School is built on .9 acres donated by Amos Stinson, Mabel Idella Skinner and Newman Fitzhenry.
- 1918
- Dipsea Inn is torn down by Fitzhenry. lst women's race "The Dipsea Trail Hike for Girls" is sponsored by SF Bulletin.
- 1919
- The Bungalow is built
- 1920
- Dipsea Lodge at Willow Camp is built with lumber from Dipsea Inn.
- 1920
- White Gate Ranch is leased by the Silva family from William Kent. It runs 300 cattle, 150 milk cows, and 200 pigs.
- 1920
- Sea Downs is built by Thomas Kent, son of William Kent with pavillon for dances.
- 1921
- Volunteer Fire group is established. Alice D. Algar becomes second postmaster
- 1922
- Bessie Sadler's famous homemade pastries are served in the 250 seat dining room of Dipsea Lodge.
- 1928
- Panoramic Highway is constructed.
- 1930
- SB Progressive Club is formed.
- early 1930's
- Dipsea Lodge is closed.
- late 1930's
- Ambergris Rush--later proves to be flushed out sewers in Oakland
- 1931
- Community Church is formed.
- 1932
- Archie Upton gives 3,600 feet of beach to the County with the stipulation that it be called ‘Upton Beach”.
- 1936
- lst Stinson Beach Library opened (site as yet undetermined)
- 1937
- Golden Gate Bridge is opened. (May 27)
- 1939
- SB Fire Protection District, lst tax-supported, elective body is formed.
- 1939
- Willow Camp is sold to County as a park by Eve Stinson Fitzhenry. County stipulated that she take down Dipsea Lodge in 60 days. Paul Dittmar tears it down & uses lumber to build sea walls.
- 1940
- Beach cottages designed by Oran Jenkins are built at Sea Downs.
- 1941
- Pearl Harbor Day. Coast Artillery, infantry branch of the army, comes to Stinson Beach by midnight Dec. 7. They establish bunkers near White Gate Ranch, Steep Ravine and in the Highlands. Coast Guard unit comes in later and is quartered in Park and Red Whale (site of Water Office-1993) Because of the lack of housing for workers in Sausalito shipyards, many rent cottages in Stinson Beach. Bus service is provided from SB for three shifts.
- 1943
- Library moved to a park building.
- 1944
- Stinson daughters sell hillside land to Douglas Nye and Lucien Marsh who plans SB Highlands subdivision.
- 1945
- Flood
- 1946/7
- Allied Arts is formed.
- 1946
- 4th of July Carnivals began. Until 1953, they were held outside then moved into the Community Center.
- 1947
- Site for Community Center is donated by Amos Stinson daughters, Maude Stinson, Lillian Hensil and Eve Fitzhenry. Center is incorporated. Parent Teacher Club is formed.
- 1949
- Fire House is built and dedicated.
- 1950
- State Park takes over County Park
- 1951
- Seadrift’s lst subdivision is accepted by Supervisors.
- 1953
- Community Center is built and dedicated.
- 1956
- Flood. Sea Downs is torn down by State Park.
- 1956
- George Leonard buys remaining Marsh/Nye property (includes mountains behind town, Stinson Ranch, Water Company) as well as 500 acre from Kent toward Panoramic Highway. With 2,200 acres he becomes the largest land owner town ever had.
- 1957
- Bolinas Harbor District is formed for development around Lagoon.
- 1958
- County Park is sold to State Park Service. Library moved to Sea Beach Hotel.
- 1958-73 Annual Wildflower Show Marna Griffin, Anne Leary, Barbara Menzies, and Roberta Shockey
- 1960
- "Big Rock" is dynamited while widening Hwy. 1, burying the natural hot springs at Steep Ravine. Hot springs are only accessible at low tide.
- 1960
- SB County Water District is formed.
- 1961
- Stinson Beach/Bolinas Master Plan is adopted by County with massive development including 2 high schools.
- 1961
- Marin Audubon Society purchases Alan J. Galloway Ranch, formerly Peter L Bourne's.
- 1963
- Community Church is built and dedicated.
- 1969
- Harbor District is dissolved by voters. (March 11) After vote, County takes over Bolinas lagoon as a park.
- 1970
- Stinson Beach School is destroyed by arson.
- 1971
- Oil Spill-January 18
- 1971
- Sea Beach Hotel is burned down (kerosene lamp).
- 1971
- Women are allowed in Dipsea Race.
- 1972
- GGNRA is established.
- 1973
- GGNRA takes over State Park
- 1974
- SB County Water District buys Leonard’s water Co.
- 1976
- Community Plan is approved by Board of Supervisors. Village Association is established.
- 1978
- Waste Management system is set up under control of Water District.
- 1981
- New Stinson Beach School is dedicated on Stinson site.
- 1982
- Storm
- 1983
- Storm. Water System is completed.
- 1989
- Town’s only gasoline station, Chevron, is demolished.
- 1992
- Stinson Beach Clinic opens. Stinson Beach Historical Society is established.
- 1993
- Water District Building dedication
- 1995
- Stinson Beach Village Green I dedication
- 1999
- New Stinson Beach Library is dedicated at the old 7-11 building.
- 2003
- Village Green II dedication
Fairley, Lincoln, Mount Tamalpais, A History, Scottwall Associates, 1987.
Mason, Jack, Last Stage for Bolinas, North Shore Books, 1973.
Skolnick, Sharon, Dreams of Tamalpais, Last Gasp of San Francisco 1989.
Stinson Beach Village Association and the Marin County Planning Department, Stinson Beach Community Plan, 1976.